My Web Process

Web Process
Enjoy the journey, try to get better every day, and don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.

Nadia Comăneci

In the Beginning…

The first step in any web project is asking a lot of specific questions. When I create a website I need to get to know you and your business. My focus is finding web solutions to solve costly and time consuming problems.

As much as we all love a nice looking website for the impression and professionalism it projects. Websites at their core are efficient or inefficient tools. If your ready to get results request a meeting or quote.

Time for a Plan

Next step in my process is to create a website plan. I use our meeting notes, and the research I’ve done over your current content and top competitors websites to create a strategy.

The software I currently use is called XMind. I used this to plan out all the pages of the new website. I’ve found this process invaluable as you get deep into creating the website it is easy to forget your original intentions. This allows me to keep the goals and results we’re hoping to achieve front of mind.

Design & Development

Once you’ve approved the plan, I move on to design & development. I’ll create a Mockup in Photoshop or XD and send it over for approval.

Once we’re on brand I will start transitioning the design into your CMS often WordPress, Joomla, or other popular systems. Once I’ve completed the homepage I send it over again for approval.

All About Content

Depending on the size of your website this next phase could take days, weeks, or months. A very collaborative process of updating, creating, and moving over content.

I will also be building out any custom functionality at this stage. I’ll find and custom fit plugins, themes, and do custom programming to finish the website.

Techniques & Technology

I have been using Bootstrap and SASS for CSS since 2016. Most websites that I work on are custom made using WordPress and Understrap.

I also have done work with Magento, Joomla, WooCommerce, Drupal, Shopify, and other lesser known systems.

Ready for Launch

Launching the new website can be as big of deal as you’d like it to be. From email blasts, Ad campaigns, schedualing social media, planning specials, and coordinating marketing.

If this process sounds good to you, please consider contacting me here.

The secret of getting ahead is to get started. The secret to getting started is breaking your complicated overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable ones and then starting with the first one.

Mark Twain